About :: ScripterNet
Founded in 1999 to publicize a literary gathering at Hunters Point Naval Shipyards in San Francisco, ScripterNet has proceeded in unexpected evolutions from a books promotion site to a consultancy to a project space to an arts portal — now we are fostering a repository of locative works shared in web formats.
ScripterNet has kept pace with developments whilst ze humans have moved through their lives in modes of novelist, coder, digital architect, producer, teacher, and collector of curiosities. All along ScripterNet has kept an eye on the hopes of leaving the world a better place, perhaps with more community and beauty, and greater intimacy for all sentient beings.
About :: More
Some links we find inspiring on an everyday level:
- The Astrobiology of Adam Frank — this NPR piece is a great introduction to the big science of Astrobiology, studying the possibility of life in the universe.
- Catuskoti an expanded form of the tetralemma made popular by Nagarjuna somewhere around the 2nd Century.
Beyond the TRUE-FALSE binary, catuṣkoṭi invokes a total of 8 states for logic statements — TRUE, NOT TRUE, BOTH TRUE AND NOT-TRUE, NEITHER TRUE nor NOT-TRUE; then combine those four with their opposites (i.e., NOT NOT-TRUE, etc.) for the full (expanded) analysis. Sounds easy?
- Unicode — is it possible that all written languages can be encapsulated by a single 16-bit standard? (Okay, some language uses more than 16 bits . . .) It only took us about 5,000 years to come to such an agreement.
- History of Scripts — a fascinating run-down of prominent scripting forms from 3000+ BC to today.